
Dietlind Zimmermann

is a qualified philosopher, author and editor of the Taijiquan & Qigong Journal. She has been teaching tai chi chuan and qigong since 1992, under the banner of “Taiji Lebenskunst” (‘Tai Chi Life Art’) in Hamburg since 1994. In 2010 she founded “Bewegte Philosophie” (‘Philosophy in Movement’) together with Isolde Schwarz (Berlin), offering intensive seminars with the focus on Eastern and Western philosophy, meditation and meditative experiencing of nature. Since 2020 she has offered training and education programs in tai chi chuan and qigong under the name “Lern-Weg” (‘Learning Path’). She also works as a trainer and lecturer for many organizations such as the Hamburg Federation for Sports and Leisure, the Hamburg Sports Association, the German Multiple Sclerosis Society, the Lower-Saxony Agency for Adult and Vocational Education and the Hamburg State Institute for Teacher Training.

Dietlind Zimmermann, Stüffelring 12, 22359 Hamburg

Norbert Heinrich

is a qualified agricultural engineer, teacher at a special-needs school for emotional and social support, systemic family counsellor and DDQT-recognized teacher and trainer for tai chi chuan and qigong. Together with Christian Auerbach he heads DAO-Schule in Göttingen. He has taught tai chi chuan, qigong and meditation at regional and national levels since 1993. He provides training and education programs through DAO-Schule and the Agency for Adult and Vocational Education.

Norbert Heinrich, Ritterplan 4, 37073 Göttingen

Hans Dieter Wöhrle

has been an expert instructor for photography and media design at the Media Office Youth Workshop since 2020. As a freelance graphic designer he has worked in the research, industry, IT, quality management and medicine sectors since 2001, where he provides expert information on graphics and presentations. He initially trained as a photographer, then studied forestry science, he was a visiting lecturer at the HAWK Academy for Applied Sciences and Arts and taught at a special-needs school for emotional and social support.

Hans Dieter Wöhrle, Oberfeldring 42, 37083 Göttingen

Giles Rosbander (translation)

originally from England, Bachelor of theater studies and English, former dancer and choreographer, alternative practitioner, has trained tai chi chuan and qigong since 1995 with a focus on bodywork and the martial aspects. He has worked as a professional translator since 1995, specializing in the broadly defined fields of “culture” and “people”. He teaches in Berlin and internationally, and also collaborates with Martin Neumann to give tai chi push-hands seminars under the name “Tui Shou Stereo”.

Giles Rosbander, Kiefholzstrasse 19, 12435 Berlin

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